Day Two - Plaster, plaster and more plaster!

Today we continued to enjoy working together and learn new things. This is a great team for finding things to do. We may be working on a job that gets finished, and then find somewhere else to help. It was hot again, but there was a breeze that kept us from melting! We are being told that we are progressing faster than they expected us to, and that always makes us feel good.

Tonight for dinner we were driven out to the Magura monastery, where we had a tour of the church and the grounds, after a hair-raising drive up the side of a large hill. After dinner we were greeted by the head priest, who showed us where the animals are kept and then his house. He talked to us about how life was for a priest during the communist regime; he had to shave his beard, and was not allowed to wear his black coat. He had us all take a seat in his dining room, where he opened a bottle of his special remedy made from the root of a plant in a bottle of alcohol. It was very potent, and we all felt much better! This was an experience that none of us have ever experienced and is such a wonderful part of Habitat builds when we get to learn more about the local culture.

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