Door frames, lintels and a surprise

Today was a mix of hurry up and wait and a flurry of activity. Each house was at the state of putting in door frams and pouring concrete for the lintels. This was actually hard because the mix contains a lot of larger rock in the mix. Thus the wheelbarrow loads are heavy!  And for sure if you move a stack of bricks once, you will need to move it at least once more.....probably back to where it came from. (Last photo)

We had a long lunch at the school because we went to visit classes and talked to some Irish volunteer teachers who are here for the month of July (every year now for the last 12)!  They work with small groups of students who are struggling a bit...about 4 or 5 students at a time. I even joined in on a Jolly Phonics lesson.  It is pretty neat at the school because I am starting to remember specific kids and we seek each other out. 

The drive to and for. Is so interesting, so many people walking and biking to where they need to be and anything you can imagine being sold on the street, but the traffic is crazy and congested. A good time to get to know each other, or take a nap.

Right at the end of the day we had a sudden dust storm at house 1 and it blew the tin roofing off the house next door nearly missing Fraser, myself, Yves and Amber! A little frightening but no harm. 

Tomorrow is out last day, so hard to believe. We are all tired but happy and looking forward to the home dedication celebration.


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